Project 1C: Barrel Bouncer (UI & Scoring)

Part 2: An Overview of the Main Gameplay UI

There are three main types of UI screens that the user can see during their gameplay scene. The first is the regular screen, which contains general info they should see all the time, like score and lives. Next is the pause menu screen, which gives options when the game is paused. Finally is the game over screen, which is shown once the game has finished. Below are some screenshots of the three UI screens.

Regular Screen

Screenshot of regular screen

Pause Menu Screen

Screenshot of regular screen

Game Over Screen

Screenshot of regular screen

Note that these are not three different Canvases; rather, they are all just child GameObjects of the Canvas, as outlined below:

All other UI GameObjects that you create for this scene should be descendants of their appropriate “screen” GameObject.

Additionally, only one of these screens should ever be displayed at a time. In order to do this, create a “Screen Switcher” script on the Canvas with references to each of the screens. Then, create three methods, each of which toggles a different screen to be active while making the other ones inactive.

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